
Primary Research for Montol

Montol Festival, before they came, I've no idea who are they. Chris & Simon, they are the promoters of the Montol Festival.

The Meaning of Traveling, developing my ideas

What is the mean of traveling. For everyone it has different means.
What I would like to do is with put in another person's eyesight, why not using myself? I won't be the character, but the dolls would be.
try to act as a doll, or the doll try to be me? probably.


An Idea for My Show Project

An example

I think I would like to make a clip of pictures with music to show my journey in China.
Every place I've been to I will take a picture of it with a chartiter




Year2 on C&M

Today I am start my year 2 journey in my course. The first lesson I had it was a media lesson with Armando. He will be the one teach us media in the future.
We are doing a 'Scene Recreation' on <Saw>.  I am join with Ben,Jack and Sam as a group, and I am doing the lighting part of our recreation.