1. Have you seen E-journey before?
IF YES, What was it called?________________________________
IF NO, Go straight to 3
2. When was the last time you read?
Within last 6 months / Within last year /
Within 1-3 years / More than 3 years ago
3. Are you reading ' The Meaning of Traveling ' :
Alone / With 1 other /
With 2-4 others / 5 or more others
4. Did you know about the Collective Exhibition before you visited?
IF YES, Go to 5
IF NO, Go straight to 6)
5. How did you hear about the Collective Exhibition?
Newspaper / Poster / Internet /
Recommendation from someone /
Other (Please state)_______________________________________
6. Approximately how long have you spent in the Collective Exhibition?
Passing through / 1-5 minutes /
5-10 minutes / 10 to 15 minutes / More
7a. Could you see all of the objects clearly in The Meaning of Travelling?
Yes / No
IF YES, Go to 8
IF NO, Go to 7b
7b. Why not?
8. How easy was it to understand the Collective Exhibition?
Very easy / Quite easy / (Go to 9a)
Neither easy nor difficult / (Go to 10)
Quite difficult / Very difficult / (Go to 9b)
9a. In Collective Exhibition which project made easy to understand, why?
9b. In Collective Exhibition which project made difficult to understand, why?
10. Are you aware of any publications linked to this exhibition?
11a. Are you aware that a Collective Exhibition leaflet is available for use with any other galleries ?
IF YES, Go to 11b
IF NO, Go to 12
11b. If any of products goes sale on market, would you buy it?
IF YES, Go to 11c
IF NO, Go to 12
11c. Did you find ' The Meaning of Travelling ' leaflet:
Very useful / Quite useful /
Not particularly useful / Not useful at all
12. If you were describing this E-journal ' The Meaning of Travelling' to a friend, which three words would you use?
Bright / Useless / Exciting / Uncomfortable /
Fun / Relevant / Noisy / Boring / Cheerful /
Uninteresting / Good for kids / Special /
Airless / Interesting / Does not relate to me /
Attractive / Hard to understand
13. What, if anything, do you find particularly attractive or appealing about the E-journal?
14. It is perfectly acceptable to find that there are some things you did not like about the Meaning of Travelling. Would you be willing to tell me something you did not like about the Meaning of Travelling ?
15. Thinking of the Collective Exhibition as a whole, how would you rate each of the following?:
- Food
- Directions
- Overall quality
16. Could you please tell me a little about yourself?
- Age
35-44 years old / 45-54 years old / 55-64 years old /
65+ years old
- Sex
- Where do you live?
17. Are there any additional comments you would like to make, either about the Meaning of Travelling or about The Collective Exhibition as a whole?
Thank you very much for your time.